Eckoh has a strong strategic partnership with Maintel providing secure payment solutions through the ICON platform
Industry: IT & Telecoms Employees: 700 Revenue: £133.1m
Business: A leading provider of unified communications and contact center solutions. Operating globally - delivering technology solutions through its network of partners.
Challenge: To be able to offer PCI DSS secure payment solutions through its ICON platform to its clients.
Solution: CallGuard Hosted for agent-assisted payments and EckohPAY for automated self-service payments to provide PCI DSS-compliant secure payment solutions.
- PCI DSS compliance
- Choice of payment channel for customers
- Access to the Eckoh Experience Portal for additional solutions to enhance customer engagement and secure payments
Maintel is a leading provider of enterprise communication services including hosted contact center and unified communication solutions including ICON - their hosted communications platform that serves 10s of thousands of enterprise users across industry sectors. Eckoh has a strong strategic partnership with Maintel providing secure payment solutions through the ICON platform to Maintel's customers.
Founded in 1991, Maintel became AIM listed in 2004. They have grown significantly over the years and now have a global footprint and capabilities to support their 7,000 customers.
Operating across eight locations in the UK and Ireland, their team of over 600 people has been by the acquisitions that complement the core proposition.
As a provider of contact center solutions, the issue of secure payments and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance became a key issue for Maintel to address in the fight against payment card fraud. Maintel recognized that payment security was not part of their core skills base and so sought a partner to provide this specialist service and solutions. They required a company that had a PCI DSS-compliant solution for both agent-assisted or self-service IVR secure payments.
To ensure the most robust approach to tackling the payment security and compliance challenges, Maintel preferred to remove their entire contact center from the scope of the PCI DSS audit.
Eckoh's CallGuard secures agent-assisted telephone payments, while EckohPAY secures any self-service IVR payments. CallGuard ensures that while cardholder data remains isolated from the contact center environment, the agent and caller can continue the dialogue, providing a seamless client experience.
EckohPAY can secure payments for telephone, web, SMS or smartphones. The caller can choose to interact with the service using speech recognition or touch-tone via their telephone keypad.
Each of these solutions removes the contact center from the scope of PCI DSS because, as sensitive data is prevented from entering the contact center environment, there is nothing there for a criminal to steal.
Jointly, Eckoh and Maintel have three customers and several about to come on board.
"Having Eckoh fully integrated into our ICON platform enables Maintel to offer industry-leading PCI DSS compliance as a standard part of our cloud solutions. What's more, we can offer our clients the full range of payment and engagement solutions provided by the Eckoh Experience Portal." Maintel
- Provide their clients with PCI DSS-compliant payments that have no impact on existing customer payment applications.
- Deliver automated payment solutions to their clients who can be 'always open' - increasing their revenues and providing end users with a choice of convenient payment solutions.
- Offer the whole range of Eckoh's secure payment and customer engagement solutions that are delivered via the Eckoh Experience Portal, which allows their clients to enhance their customer experience
- New and existing customers can quickly be set up with Eckoh's solutions via the ICON platform
Looking Forward
As a solution unique to Eckoh, we recognize that this example is likely a challenge many other enterprise organizations struggle with when they begin tackling payment security within their contact centers. Some organizations may even feel like their only option is to either deploy hardware on-premise – likely disrupting long-term cloud transformation strategies – or only achieve partial PCI DSS de-scoping.
As a result, the methodology innovated for The Client is now part of the Eckoh architecture. In fact, multiple other clients have also taken advantage of this solution, allowing them to maintain their existing telephony architecture while maintaining the strictest possible standard for payment security.
To learn more about how Eckoh secures payments across all engagement channels, please contact one of our trusted advisors.
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