Technology that delivers customized support for clients to configure and buy their new cars.
Technology that delivers customized support for clients to configure and buy their new cars.
Industry: Retail Automotive
Business: Global automotive manufacturer and retailer looking to offer customized support for their clients wishing to configure their new cars with purchase in mind.
Challenge: Helping their customers to pinpoint exactly what they wanted from their new cars. Inquiries were uncompleted and sometimes unanswered.
Solution: Web Chat, Call Back and Email management to assist in the customer journey.
- Over 20,000 chats in two months
- 80% of customers completed end of service survey.
- Increased engagement from clients via Chat
- Smooth deployment, on time while juggling multiple parties, locations and systems
BMW Group employs around 8,000 people directly in the UK with an additional 11,000 in its 147-strong Retailer network representing BMW and MINI brands. The UK is BMW Group's fourth largest sales market in the world. The company has invested over £1.3 billion in its UK operations since 2000 and a further $984 million between 2012 and 2015.
The UK has an important role to play within the BMW Group. It is the only place in the world where all three of BMW Group's brands — BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars — are represented by manufacturing operations.
BMW contacted Eckoh to help develop and enhance their customer service with Eckoh's Omnichannel suite.
BMW wanted to offer customized customer support to people visiting their new eRetail platform where people can configure their car online and begin the purchasing journey.
With a complex website and multiple products and options, BMW customers sometimes found it difficult to pinpoint exactly what they're looking for.
When they left the website with their issue unresolved or query unanswered, BMW knew they had to find an easier way to guide them.
BMW decided to provide "Genius" support to end-user customers with a customer engagement product that could integrate with their application platform.
They needed a solution provider to help them bring their idea to life and contacted Eckoh.
To assist customers with their website journey, Eckoh provided a multi-channel help solution using Web Chat; Call-back and Email.
When a customer is browsing the site, the service analyses mouse movement, pages looked through, time spent on pages and scrolling. At certain key points, notifications will appear on their screen inviting them to chat online, email or get an instant callback with an agent.
At the end of each chat or call back a specially developed survey provided essential feedback about the service directly from the customer.
Customers began using the services the moment they were deployed, providing valuable feedback, data and results to the BMW team.
Eckoh worked with BMW, their digital marketing agency and call center operator to create a completely customized service integration into the BMW eRetail platform, and call center environment.
The Eckoh service was embedded within the digital agency's application allowing them to retain control over service appearance.
Eckoh provided a flexible and robust front-end integration and were able to work as if they were part of our digital team. Without this level of flexibility and support during the implementation process, we would not have been able to deliver the service as designed by our digital agency.Paul Kester
Within two months of launching, BMW recorded in excess of 20,000 calls and chats.
This not only exemplifies the popularity of the communication channels, but 80% of customers that completed the end-of-service survey said they were satisfied or very satisfied with the help they received.
BMW has published a press release about this which appeared in the BMW Press Club.
I think what surprised us the most, was the percentage of customers wanting to engage with us via web chat. Whilst not replacing existing and established communication methods, it made and continues to make a massive contribution towards making the BMW brand as accessible as possible to our customers.Paul Kester
Looking Forward
As a solution unique to Eckoh, we recognize that this example is likely a challenge many other enterprise organizations struggle with when they begin tackling payment security within their contact centers. Some organizations may even feel like their only option is to either deploy hardware on-premise – likely disrupting long-term cloud transformation strategies – or only achieve partial PCI DSS de-scoping.
As a result, the methodology innovated for The Client is now part of the Eckoh architecture. In fact, multiple other clients have also taken advantage of this solution, allowing them to maintain their existing telephony architecture while maintaining the strictest possible standard for payment security.
To learn more about how Eckoh secures payments across all engagement channels, reach out to one of our trusted advisors.
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Eckoh understands retail and hospitality — and we’ve got the right solutions to help. Get in touch and we’ll be glad to discuss your challenges and opportunities.

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