Our work with T-Mobile

Eckoh is already supporting T-Mobile with CallGuard, an effective, cost-efficient product for securing voice payments, reducing fraud risk, protecting card data and helping T-Mobile be PCI DSS compliant. CallGuard is the most flexible and scalable solution for your long-term strategy and goals and Eckoh is here to remove the burden of PCI DSS compliance from your team.

Now is the perfect time to learn how Eckoh can support your efforts for a digital-first world and remove the burden of payment security, protect T-Mobile customers from data breaches and future-proof your contact centers for ever-changing compliance standards.

Whether you want to secure your IVR, grow revenue by offering secure payments in the chat channel, or leverage AI-powered Secure Call Recording, we're here to provide robust security while maintaining seamless customer journeys.

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When it comes to data security, you're only as strong as your weakest link

Pause-and-resume leaves you vulnerable

Pause-and-resume is outdated and ineffective, leaving a variety of security gaps and putting T-Mobile customers at risk during a data breach. Read this short blog to discover a better path forward that builds customer confidence.

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Compliance does not equal security

Will PCI DSS v4.0 compliance give your contact center robust security — creating a force field around sensitive information? At a time when data breaches can run into millions of dollars, it’s important to know the difference between compliance and security.

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Stop data breaches in their tracks

Retire your outdated pause-and-resume tactic for an effective secure payment solution.

Let Eckoh take on the heavy burden of payment security so your IT teams can focus on other digital-first strategies.

Reduce overhead costs associated with developing, maintaining and updating outdated, insecure technologies and systems.

Eckoh's experienced team will safeguard your cloud migration and ensure your cloud strategy delivers benefits from day one.

Leverage the most robust and flexible payment security solution on the market.

Future-proof the customer payment journey for PCI DSS v4.0 and beyond.

Close the security gap for remote agents and BPOs.

Maintain a seamless and secure customer experience.

Ensure off-shore agents are adhering to the same security measures as in-house agents.

Train and onboard agents without changing current processes and standards — no matter where they're located.

Secure Digital Payments in a digital-first world

The way people prefer to pay is changing. With Eckoh's Secure Digital Payments, you can provide TMobile customers the freedom to combine their preferred contact channel with their favorite payment method.

Consumers are switching to alternative payments in record numbers. Our future-ready, modular platform enables you to offer unsurpassed choice, convenience and security.

Secure Digital Payments

PCI DSS v4.0 is here, is T-Mobile ready?

Download the guide to better understand what's at stake for PCI DSS compliance. As the focus shifts from annual compliance checks to establishing a culture where payment security is business as usual, Eckoh is here to ensure your customer's cardholder data isn't just compliant, but secure.

Brochure Mock Up PCIDSS Reference Guide

Secure payments today — and beyond.

Eckoh has been delivering safe and secure customer payments for your team since 2018. As cybercriminals become more aggressive and savvy, there is significant opportunity for T-Mobile to scale secure payment interactions with future-proof solutions that remove the burden of security from your teams. No matter what channel your customers prefer to engage, Eckoh is here to support your strategy for a digital-first world.

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