PCI DSS compliance - Ten myths busted


31 Oct 2018

Confused about PCI DSS compliance? It's not surprising with the amount of different interpretations and myths circulating.

As leaders in the field of Secure Payment solutions for PCI DSS compliance, Eckoh are in the best place to help you cut through the myths to the truth.

Below we've given clarity to the top ten myths so you can know exactly where you stand.

1. One vendor and provider will make us compliance:

It won't. Your entire contact center environment needs to be compliant.

2. Outsourcing card processing makes us compliant:

There will still be elements of PCI DSS compliance within your business for which you are responsible.

3. PCI DSS compliance is an IT responsibility:

It's everyone's responsibility, from IT to marketing, admin and finance. The ultimate responsibility lies at the top of the organization.

4. PCI DSS will make us secure:

It will mean that your customers' personal and payment card data is secure not your organization.

5. PCI DSS is unreasonable: It requires too much effort and cost;

Protecting your business against a data breach or theft cannot be considered unreasonable. You risk losing your customers, your reputation and your revenue by not taking this seriously.

6. We don't take enough card payments to qualify;

There is a PCI DSS compliance threshold to suit all sizes of organization and you should not ignore the responsibility of protecting your customers' card and personal data.

7. PCI DSS compliance can be done in moments with a simple form;

Self-Assessment is only applicable to certain organizations, depending on how they operate. Even then it can be complicated and hard to get right. It can drain your resources and time, even if you qualify for the simplest form SAQ A.

8. We completed a SAQ so we're compliant;

You may have been compliant on the day you completed the form, but have you maintained your compliance? It's not a 'check and forget' activity. You need to live and breathe it, embedding the security into every aspect of your business.

9. PCI DSS is too hard:

Is going out of business too hard as well? What about losing your customers to the competition? Or, having to meet a hefty fine for a data breach? These are the risks you run in not complying.

10. PA-DSS means we are compliant;

No, it doesn't. It simply means that your software application complies to PA DSS. It does not make your business PCI DSS compliant.

Add to these the bewildering array of acronyms and it can soon become complicated. In 'acronyms explained' we provide you with an 'at-a-glance' guide to ones used in PCI DSS.

In the Definitive Guide to PCI DSS compliance you'll find more vital information to help you really understand where you're vulnerable to card fraud and the solutions that are available to help you comply.

If you'd like to know more about secure payments and PCI DSS compliance then give us a call on 866 258 9297 or drop us an email at tellmemoreUS@eckoh.com