
Hitting home – what contact center agents really think about WFH

16 Aug 2024

The contact center industry has arguably embraced the shift to working from home more than any other sector. From our moderated discussion, there are four key observations with important implications for the security of WFH agents that stood out.

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Why the EU’s DORA rules matter to US, UK, and global companies

7 Aug 2024

Are you ready for DORA? This tough new set of European Union regulations comes into force soon – and looks set to impact a significant number of US, UK, and global companies.

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P2PE devices In healthcare

28 Jun 2024

Jesus Torres, Senior Account Executive at Eckoh, highlights how encrypted PIN pads fall short for card-not-present transactions, exposing healthcare environments to PCI DSS risks.

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Understanding consumer concerns about home-based agents

25 Jun 2024

How do consumers feel about dealing with contact center agents who are working from home?

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Will AI replace contact centers? It’s a firm No – and here’s why

10 Jun 2024

Ashley Burton, Head of Product at Eckoh, talks about why AI won't be replacing contact centers. Instead, he hopes to see AI aid with routine tasks and help improve overall efficiency.

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PCI DSS compliance and payment card security – what’s the cost of doing nothing?

8 May 2024

Molly Shane, Senior Account Executive at Eckoh, speaks with many businesses each day about their compliance needs. In her blog, she outlines one of the more surprising aspects of her conversations.

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Cloud contact center 'shared responsibility': There is no cheat code for security

17 Apr 2024

If you’re powering up your contact center, you need to know that there are no cheat codes, and the cloud doesn’t come with a ‘shield of invincibility’

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Card security enters a new era – and it’s personal for the C-suite

28 Mar 2024

A new era in payment card security arrived on April 1. But is the C-suite ready for new data protection responsibilities? Should warning lights be flashing in the boardroom?

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PCI DSS 4.0: Order your rocket-boosters for April onwards

8 Jan 2024

How’s your diary looking for Spring 2024? For anyone involved in contact center security around payments, life could suddenly hit warp speed. Here’s what you need to know.

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Blizzards ahead? Contact centers dash for compliance base camp

31 Oct 2023

Unfortunately, meeting the March 2024 deadline for the first phase of PCI DSS 4.0 could feel like getting to Everest base camp for contact centers. But how should you press on to reach the summit of the new payment security standard in 2025? Here’s some expert advice.

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